By: Madison Hayes, SOC/BA'16
It looks like we’ll be finishing out the regular season on 2/28 the same way we started it (for those of you that can remember all the way back to November), with an Eagles double header. The men’s team takes the court at 12 pm and the women start at 4 pm, but Saturday will be about so much more than the games themselves.
Blue Crew is going all out to make sure AU fans will remember these last two games of the regular season. Student organizations and clubs have a chance to win a $300 raffle, and $150 each for the most spirited poster and social media photo (Make sure to included #ClawedLovesClubs and specify what organization/club you represent)! Also, the annual presidential shoot out will be held between AU President Neil Kerwin and AU Student Government President Sophia Wirth. And there will be a performance by the AU African Dance Team AND the AU Dance Team, you’re not going to want to miss these games.
But personally, I am most excited for Saturday because it’s Senior Day. Soon-to-be graduates from both the men’s and women’s basketball teams, cheer and dance teams, and pep band will be honored during the games. For four years now, we’ve watched Pee Wee Gardner, John Schoof, Kevin Panzer, Kyle Kager, Jen Dumiak, Shaquilla Curtis, and Arron Zimmerman give it their all on the court. We’ve watched Cynthia Rodriguez, Lauren Mabie, Samantha Hogan, Lori Interlicchio, CJ Murphy, Marlo Bloom, and Jessie Hirtenstein perform spirited timeouts and halftimes. Of course, we can't forget pep band seniors Dane Eun, Zach Kopin, Corey Parks, and Marissa Gargano who help add spirit and energy to every game.
I think it’s safe to say that these seniors have grown to think of Bender as a second home, but I’m even more positive that none of these teams will be the same without these dedicated ladies and gentlemen.
About the author: Madison Hayes is currently a junior at American University and a major contributor to school spirit on and around campus. Along with being a Sports Multimedia Journalist for AU Blue Crew Leadership Council, she is a captain on the AU Dance Team! Madison is also a Jumpstart tutor, Latino Student Fund tutor, and mentor in the honors program.
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